The Acutonics system of sound healing is a non-invasive treatment that is similar to acupuncture, using the vibrations of tuning forks instead of needles. Sound vibrations penetrate the acupuncture points, traveling deep into the body. The use of two tuning forks together creates a musical/mathematical interval that is powerful to the process. It supports the body’s natural frequencies, stimulates and balances the physical and subtle energy field, promotes wellness and deep inner harmony.
There are many factors that help to make sound and vibration so effective in facilitating balance and healing. We are vibrational beings. Everything in the universe vibrates, from the smallest particle to the planets in our solar system, creating patterns of geometric wave forms, frequencies, musical intervals and sounds. The human body is approximately 70% water; our bones and marrow contain nearly 25% water. Sound travels four times faster in water than in air, thus the human body becomes a natural resonator for sound. At the most basic, primal level, we know the effect that music has on us.
As a musician and composer, Tina was drawn to this modality and its vast possibilities utilizing sound and vibration to facilitate healing. This work is not only showing profound results treating chronic and debilitating conditions, but also helping people to balance spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of well being. The goal is to help facilitate the body’s innate wisdom to heal. Tina's use of singing bowls and oils during sessions enhances the experience.